We value our employer partnerships and want to work with you to reach the best outcomes for you, our students, and the community.

Students volunteer at Eldridge Park

Community Engagement

Community Engagement is a distinctive program here at Elmira College, with students appreciating the concept of volunteerism, developing a compassion for those in need, and experiencing the rewards of community involvement.

A female Elmira College student examines a dog as part of a veterinary internship


Want to be part of what U.S. News & World Report has considered among its Top Collegiate Internship Programs over the years? Internships are key to students learning how to apply the lessons they learn here into real world settings, and they must complete a career-related internship before graduation.

A student stops by a table during the Life After EC event in the Gannett-Tripp Library

On-Campus Recruitment

Connect with our students in person by conducting information sessions in the Campus Center during the Fall, Winter, or Spring terms.

Whatever your need, the Office of Career Services can help.


The Campus Center as the sun sets

Plan Your Campus Visit

We hope you'll come to see our beautiful campus and get to know us better. In preparation, feel free to view, download, or print our campus map.

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